Project Purpose
Technology Services will upgrade all campus phone systems into a single system – Cisco Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP). Currently, multiple unsupported phones are used across campus. Transitioning all phones to Cisco VoIP will allow Technology Services to provide expert support faster through a more reliable phone service, while reducing overall costs and monthly phone rates for the Texas A&M community. The upgrade also paves the way to offer softphones as an alternative to physical phones in the future.
The VoIP phone service upgrade for each building will be completed in two stages and primarily focuses on the following actions:
- Gather data from customers on current phone needs
- Upgrade physical desk phones for each active existing desk phone and provide quick links to ensure customers learn how to use their new phones
- Purchase initial hardware: Completed Summer 2022.
- Project planning and initial project communications: Completed Fall 2022.
- Phase One: Upgrade 25% of all non-Cisco VoIP phone lines: Completed Fall 2023.
- Phase Two: Upgrade 75% of all non-Cisco VoIP phone lines: Underway.
- Upgrade or Disconnect of BroadSoft phone lines: Completed Summer 2024.
- Upgrade or Disconnect of Centrex phone lines: In Progress.
- 100% of campus phone lines upgraded to VoIP: Fall 2026.
Project Progress
Last Updated 02/03/2025
VoIP Phone Service Upgrade Project Completion
The original number of phone lines that need to be upgraded
The remaining phone lines to upgrade
Total number of phone lines upgraded
Total number of phone lines disconnected