About ESC
The Enterprise Services Committee (ESC) seeks to align enterprise information technology services based on the prioritized business needs of the university
Standing Subcommittees
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- Shelley Drgac - University Staff Council Representative
- Bob Scribner - TAMU Galveston Representative
- Jeremy Tarpley (Chair-elect) - Division of Marketing and Communications Representative
- Braly Beavers (Chair) - Technology Services Representative
- Scott Bauer - Division of Human Resources and Organizational Effectiveness Representative
- Joan Stringfellow - School of Law Representative
- Michelle Mitchell - Division of Finance Representative
- Stephanie Fors (Secretary) - TAMU System Representative
- Clarissa Garza - Higher Education Center at McAllen
- Larry Olivarez - Product Management Representative
- Brendan Roark - Faculty Representative
- Jeffrey Cragin - Graduate Student
- Vacant - Campus leader from Utilities
- Vacant - Campus leader from Facilities
- Vacant - Campus leader from Health
- Vacant - Faculty Senate Representative
- Vacant - Student Government Association Representative
- Vacant - Faculty member
Ex-Officio Members
- Dr. Juan Garza - Associate Vice President for Enterprise Application Services
Committee Scope
- Identify and prioritize technology-based solutions for university-wide IT service needs, set priorities and ensure coordination on the effective use of information technology resources to meet the operational needs of the university.
- Reduce costs, facilitate innovation, and promote efficient communication through the use of enterprise services.
- Provide counsel on resource prioritization in cases where there is resource contention that cannot be resolved at a lower team level or for projects impacting multiple systems (major upgrade schedules, portal change, integrations, etc.).
- Ensure diverse stakeholder input across the university is incorporated for enterprise-wide services.
- Evaluate the effectiveness of university-wide applications while promoting compliant information technology standards.
- Provide assurance that plans and recommendations for enterprise services are evaluated against the impact on the university's mission, strategic goals, and objectives.
- Provide strategic oversight for enterprise application domains to include, but not limited to: Finance & Procurement Systems, Student Administration Systems, Human Resource Systems, and Academic Personnel Systems.
- Ensure enterprise applications minimize duplication of campus IT services and applications used for university business processes.
- Evaluate service improvements to reduce administrative burden and deliver optimized services that maximize process efficiency and effectiveness outcomes for the University community for enterprise services and applications within the ESC scope.
- Evaluate potential university-wide and institutional data systems projects using academic data in partnership with the Data Governance Committee that use data collected from enterprise services.
- 1 Faculty Senate Representative
- 1 System Office Representative (Appointed by TAMUS CIO)
- 2 Faculty Members (Appointed by the Provost)
- 1 Product Management Representative
- 1 Division of Finance and Business Services Representative (Appointed by the VP for Finance & Business Services)
- 1 Division of Marketing and Communications Representative
- 1 Human Resources and Organizational Effectiveness Representative (Appointed by the VP for HROE)
- 1 Student Government Association Representative
- 1 Graduate and Professional Student Council Representative
- 3 Campus Leaders (By appointment of the President)(Department heads/Utilities/Facilities/Health)
- 1 Staff Council Representative
- 1 IT Professional (Appointed by the Vice President for IT and CIO)
- 1 School of Law Representative
- 1 Galveston Campus Representative
- 1 McAllen Campus Representative
- 1 Qatar Campus Representative
Ex-Officio Members
- Associate Vice President for Enterprise Application Services
Terms and Procedures
Chairperson. A chairperson shall be elected during the first meeting of each year, serving a one-year term that begins during the September ESC meeting. In the case of the initial implementation of the IT Governance framework, a chair shall be elected during the September meeting.
Chair Elect. A chair elect shall be elected during the first meeting of each year. The chair elect acts as the co-chair for the committee and serves a one-year term that begins during the September ESC meeting, followed by a one-year term as the chair.
Member Terms. Each member shall serve a term of one year (unless designated for a two-year term) beginning in the month of September and ending in the month of July, for a total attendance of five meetings in addition to related ESC events that occur during the term. The chair elect may request up to five members for a second term to ensure continuity of experience in the committee.
Ex-Officio Members: The Associate Vice President for Enterprise Application Serivces shall serve as an ex-officio member.
Meeting Procedures
Meeting Frequency. The ESC meets on the fourth Tuesday of September, November, February, April, and June. The committee will determine modifications to the meeting schedule as needed based on current activities.
Time Commitment. In addition to the scheduled meetings, members can expect to spend 4-6 hours between the meetings via correspondence methods reviewing related material and handling more routine matters via electronic methods utilized for decision-making.
Meeting Structure. The Office of the CIO will collect and confirm agenda items with the co-chairs and circulate agendas in advance of each meeting to ensure informed discussion of scheduled topics. Staff will be available to aid in the facilitation and documentation of the meetings. Robert’s Rules of Order will be the parliamentary authority.
Reporting. The Office of the CIO will report on decisions and maintain electronic communication mediums for distributing university-wide information for the ESC.
Documentation of Proceedings. All meetings will have minutes of discussions, decisions, and action items that are published within two weeks of the proceeding.
Voting. Each member shall have one vote counting toward a decision/vote, where a quorum is half of the permanent attending members. The chairperson shall have authority in deciding tied or failed votes/decisions.
Research and Supplemental Input Mechanisms. The committee may establish, at its discretion, operational groups, task forces, ITCoPs, or ITSsGs, as needed.
Committee Support. The Office of the CIO will provide administrative support.
Questions about IT Governance can be submitted to: itgovernance@tamu.edu