Meeting Schedule:
9:00 AM -11:00 AM every 3rd Thursday in September, November, February, April, & June

About SATC

The Student and Academic Technologies Committee seeks to support the teaching and learning mission of Texas A&M University.

Committee Information

Standing Subcommittees

  • LMS Integration

Minutes *

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* Minutes may be redacted for security reasons


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  • Terri Pantuso (Chair)- Faculty Member Representative

  • Samantha Shields (Chair-Elect) - Center for Teaching Excellence
  • Kyle Page - Enterprise Application Services

  • Andrea Ogilvie - Assistant Dean for Student Success

  • Steven Ragusa - IT Professional

  • Martin Quinn -  IT Professional

  • Terri Pantuso - Faculty Member Representative

  • Meredith Malnar - Student Success Representative

  • John Williams, III - Faculty Member Representative

  • Jeffrey Cragin - Graduate Student

  • Rami Younis - Engineering Academic Coordination
  • Ashley Corn - Economics
  • Jonathan Meer - Economics
  • Jon Jasperson - Acadmic Innovation
  • Ryan Vu - Student Senator
  • Adelade Edgington - Student Senator
  • Vacant - Faculty Member Representative
  • Vacant - Faculty Member Representative
  • Vacant - Faculty Member Representative
  • Vacant - Faculty Senate Representative
  • Vacant - Dean of Faculties Representative
  • Vacant - Undergraduate Student 
  • Vacant - Undergraduate Student
  • Vacant - Open Access Labs Representative

Ex-Officio Members

  • Vacant - Vice Provost for Student Services

Committee Scope

  • Review and recommend teaching and learning technology applications.
  • Develop recommendations for university-wide technologies to support the alignment of innovative and transformational initiatives that promote excellence in teaching and learning technologies.
  • Strategic planning covering technologies needed to support campus teaching and learning technology activities.
  • Provide technology platform evaluation and supporting strategies in support of student success systems.
  • Assess university-wide applications and make operational, planning, and technical recommendations for stakeholder groups.
  • Create proposals for the integration of academic technologies to related systems in partnership with the Enterprise Services Committee.
  • Evaluate potential university-wide and institutional data systems projects using academic data in partnership with the Data Governance Committee that uses student data.



  • 1 Academic Success Center Representative (Appointed by Vice Provost for Student Success)
  • 1 Representative by Appoint of the Dean of Faculties
  • 2 Associate or Assistant Deans for Academic Affairs (By appointment of the Provost)
  • 1 Faculty Senate Representative
  • 2 Undergraduate Students (By appointment of the Student Government Association)
  • 2 Graduate Students (By appointment of the Graduate and Professional Student Council)
  • 2 IT Professional (By appointment of the Vice President for IT and CIO)
  • 1 Open Access Labs Representative
  • 1 Center for Learning Excellence Representative
  • 4 Faculty Members (By appointment of the Provost)

Ex-Officio Members

  • Vice Provost for Student Success

Terms and Procedures

Chairperson. A chairperson shall be elected during the first meeting of each year, serving a one-year term that begins during the September SATC meeting. In the case of the initial implementation of the IT Governance framework, a chair shall be elected during the September meeting.

Chair Elect. A chair elect shall be elected during the July meeting of each year. The chair elect acts as the co-chair for the committee and serves a one-year term that begins during the September SATC meeting, followed by a one-year term as the chair.

Member Terms. Each member shall serve a term of one year (unless designated for a two-year term) beginning in the month of September and ending in the month of August, for a total attendance of five meetings in addition to related SATC events that occur during the term. The chair elect may request up to three members for a second term to ensure continuity of experience in the committee.

Ex-Officio Members: The Vice Provost for Student Success shall serve as an ex-officio member.

Meeting Procedures

Meeting Frequency. The SATC meets on the third Thursday of September, November, February, April, and June. The committee will determine modifications to the meeting schedule as needed based on current activities.

Time Commitment. In addition to the scheduled meetings, members can expect to spend 4-6 hours between the meetings via correspondence methods reviewing related material and handling more routine matters via electronic methods utilized for decision-making.

Meeting Structure. The Office of the CIO will collect and confirm agenda items with the co-chairs and circulate agendas in advance of each meeting to ensure informed discussion of scheduled topics. Staff will be available to aid in the facilitation and documentation of the meetings. Robert’s Rules of Order will be the parliamentary authority.

Reporting. The Office of the CIO will report on decisions and maintain electronic communication mediums for distributing university-wide information for the SATC.

Documentation of Proceedings. All meetings will have minutes of discussions, decisions, and action items that are published within two weeks of the proceeding.

Voting. Each member shall have one vote counting toward a decision/vote, where a quorum is half of the permanent attending members. The chairperson shall have authority in deciding tied or failed votes/decisions.

Research and Supplemental Input Mechanisms. The committee may establish, at its discretion, operational groups, task forces, ITCoPs, or ITSsGs, as needed.

Committee Support. The Office of the CIO will provide administrative support.

Questions about IT Governance can be submitted to